3-July-99 Apt Hunter Proxy

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We drove into Cambridge to check out an apartment that Anne might be interested in. It's in a wonderful location, about two blocks off Mass Ave between Harvard and Central Squares. Even if you don't know Cambridge, you shouldn't need much imagination to see that Harvard Square is the center of college-age culture in the Boston area. There's lots going on around the campus at all hours of the evening, loads of bookstores, good movie houses, and so on. Central is more real-world and has lots of ethnic restaurants and some good music venues. The apartment is a typical old Cambridge frame house, packed in between other ones also 120 or 150 years old. A friend of mine who lived in one of those when he was a toddler was fascinated by the floor of a newer apartment he moved to -- he couldn't understand how it was possible to put a marble on the floor and not have it roll away. This house has a floor plan of its own, with, for instance, a bathroom with two doors each opening on a different bedroom.

I've been wanting to do something with that bottle of rainbow ink at the bottom of the page, so I wrote my signature in it and animated it. I haven't figured out just what to do with it. I hate to leave it looping indefinitely, but if I have it only run through the animation once I can't very well put it at the bottom of a page where it would run out before you scroll down to see it. I'll have to find a really small page that displays all at once.

We finally saw Phantom Menace. It certainly seemed more of a kids' movie than the previous three, though I don't have a lot to say for their depth either. I didn't find Jar Jar Binks as annoying as people said he (it?) was. In the context of a kids' adventure movie, a silly duck-billed dinosaur that speaks baby talk makes fine sense.

Rainbow Ink
E-mail deanb@world.std.com