State of Flux
The trouble is, since I haven't written in a long time, or anyway have written only once in a long time, there's a lot that has happened. For one thing, the company I work for was bought out by a bigger (well, duh) company in the same business. The deal won't be final for another month or so, but (well, duh) everyone's wondering what the implications will be for jobs, projects, relocation, ... I've been bicycling to work on non-rainy days since the beginning of March. When it's cold and miserable I wonder if I'm getting too old for that. I was home for about two hours on Tuesday to take delivery of a bundle of landscape timbers. We've been saying for years that we should make a better border between gardens and the lawn, and on Saturday I finally got around to ordering some wood. These are the sort of things you may think of as railroad ties, six by six inches by eight feet. The fourteen of them I ordered weigh a total of 1050 pounds -- I'm sure that's not accurate to four significant figures, but it's more wood than you want to carry home from the lumber yard. The bundle is held together with steel strapping. It's going to take some planning to cut through the strapping without having it spring up and give me a nasty gash. Klezmer was really good on Tuesday. It was the start of a new session, and a new flautist showed up. By the end of the class (because one person showed up with only 15 minutes of class left) we had a trombone, a trumpet, a clarinet, a bass guitar, a drummer, and four, count 'em four, flutes. I was sounding good on the trumpet and the clarinetist was carrying the melody when I wanted to rest. OK, it's getting late, but something is more than nothing, right?