The Ghost Driver

I'm the ghost driver from the agency
a dull conveyance, indifferent, ordinary
cruising for fares, mediums and squares
the salt of the earth, shaken never stirred
the long dark shadow of accounts receivable
my generic uniform, benevolent corporate logo
a chill down your collar, the whisper in your ear
small bureaucratic comfort in times of uncertainty
a burrowing bug into the collective unconsciousness
sweet and low installation beneath salty human fold
snug into complicit corners with the best of what's left
the movers, the shakers, disposed corporate strongmen
pre-approved platinum lions, future town square statuary
lockstep schedule marching to clocks of impossible order
blessed in a world of movement and impeccable acquisition
where my name, pronounced correctly, is purred incantation
where my name, spelled correctly, rises up from parchment
and sanctuary is preferred seating for the inevitable collapse
a suitable distance from every base instinct silently nurtured
the big screen flower of consequence beginning to blossom
its wire fingers, tiny microphones and monitors bending up
at the precise moment the dramatized courtroom explodes
eyewitness cameras trained on a new foregone conclusion
each brutal nuance cataloged, then entered into evidence
all neatly, deeply buried, shocking unseen photo spread
celebrated double-head-removing pitchman eloquence
purr procedural incantation, noisome flapping of wings
the last bit of culture flaking, falling, finally swept away
until there is no ransom demand, no teary denouement
only fuming butts swimming circles in cloudy bar glass
nostalgia for an evil with the courage of its conviction
true divinity in a world where confusion is prophecy
the comfort of ashes, a limousine idling at curbside
and there but for the grace of, oh god, whatever
initial here, sign here, initial here, sign here
I'm the ghost driver from the agency

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