Yaks, Mustangs and Invaders: 1-Nov-50

by Joe Ferrara

Background: A B-26 Invader from the newly arrived 452nd Wing was bounced by three Chinese Yak-9s. The Invader defended itself and shot down one of its assailants. Two F-51 Mustangs from the 18th Fighter Wing arrived on the scene and splashed the two remaining Yaks.

Map: Blue Sky

Aircraft: United Nations = One B-26B-50 Invader
Two F-51D-20 Mustang
Communist China = 3 Yakovlev Yak-9D

Set Up:

Game Length: 20 turns

Special Rules

  1. Score one Chinese VP for every load point that the B-26 jettisons.
  2. Any UN aircraft exiting the north edge of the play area is presumed shot down for full VPs, plus VPs for any existing damage.

Additional Rules:

  1. Pilot Quality : Generate the pilots per rule 12.3.
  2. The Invader begins Loaded with eight M57 250 lb bombs in the bombbay and eight HVAR underwing.



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