Round 1 Over Soeul: 27-Jun-50

Background: At about noon on 27-Jun-50, US radar picked up 5 inbound bogies heading over Soeul. On CAP a few hundred feet below the clouds were 5 P-82Gs of the 68th and 338th All-weather Interceptor Squadrons, who intercepted what turned out to be 5 Yak-7Bs headed for Kimpo Air Base. Hudson and his wingman attacked from below first, followed by Little (a Pacific ace), Moran and the third pilot. Moran stalled in his first attack, then recovered in a good position for a shot.

On a successful bounce, three Yaks were shot down (credited to Little, Hudson, and Moran) and the rest turned back.

Map: Ground Map

Aircraft: United Nations = 5 P-82G Twin Mustang
North Korean = 5 Yak-7B

Set Up: Set up the Yaks in a fixed formation,with the lead Yak in 2520, facing E, alt 10.0, combat cruise speed, wings level in a shallow dive. See special rule 1.

The Twin Mustangs are organized into two elements, a vic and a pair, in flexible formation. The leader of the pair starts in 2012, heading NE, alt 8.0, speed 8.0. The vic leader starts in 1604, heading NE, alt 12.0, speed 8.0. All USAF aircraft start with wings level in level flight.

There is a cloud ceiling at altitude 12.5.

Game Length: 20 turns

Special Rules

  1. The Yaks were diving quite shallowly, heading down to Kimpo Airport. Until a P-82 is spotted or a Yak is fired upon, the y move ahead straight at combat cruise speed, using no more than 1 FP, .1 increment in their dive.

Additional Rules:

  1. Pilot Quality :



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