The Me163 rocket fighter was a unique aircraft of radical design. Unfortunately, some of its technological short-comings made for operational difficulties - particularly being able to fix on a target after launch. At any rate, here are two combats that were at least initiated against recon aircraft scouting out the Me163 base at Brandis (outside Leipsig) in early 1945. Taken from Rocket Fighter by Mano Zeigler
Last flights of the Komet:
Background: Due to a vulnerability to escorting fighters after their attack run, Me163s were forbidden to attack bomber formations. They were ordered to attack only unarmed recon planes. Finally, they had a chance to attack two F-5As - recon versions of the P-38 shortly before sundown one winters day over Brandis (outside Leipsig). The F-5As were at 8000m (26,200 ft). 2 Me163Bs were sent after them - but were stopped just short of the attack by compressibility debility. What if ..
Map: Land map
Aircraft: | USAF | = | 2x F-5A |
Luftwaffe | = | 2x Me163B |
Setup: Place the F-5As in 2222 and 1818 heading E, speed 6.0, altitude 26.2, wings level. Place the Me163Bs individually as follows:
Initial heading and bank are pilot's choice, Steep or Shallow Climb, speed 9.0.
Game Length: 20 turns
Special Rules: The Me163s have 11+ 1D6 turns of fuel left. Generate this value at the start of the game, but keep it hidden from the allied player.
Additional Rules: If desired, generate pilot skill from the Good
chart. Both Komet pilots are Vets.
Background: The day after the attempted intercept of the Lightnings, a Komet intercepted a Mosquito recon plane again over their airfield. The Komet zoomed up to 14000 m (45,900 ft!) and then circled down, spotted the Mossie, closed before the Mossie spotted him. The Mossie ran by entering a steep dive. The Komet did get him. That was the last Me163 combat.
Map: Land map
Aircraft: | RAF | = | 1x Mossie FB.VI |
Luftwaffe | = | 1x Me163B |
Setup: Place the Mosquito in hex 2020, heading E, speed 6.0, altitude 25.0-35.0 (player choice), wings level. Place the Me163B as follows
Initial heading and bank are pilot's choice, Steep or Shallow Dive, speed pilot's choice 8.0-10.0.
Game Length: 20 turns
Special Rules: The Me163s have 11+ 1D6 turns of fuel left. Generate this value at the start of the game, but keep it hidden from the allied player.
Additional Rules: If desired, generate RAF pilot skill from the Good
chart. The Komet pilot is a Vet.