Hawk Meets Emil (8-Sep-39)

Background: The Hawk’s introduction to combat occurred on the 8th day of Word War II. A patrol of French Hawks of the GC II/4 under the command of Adj.-Chef Cruchant encountered German fighters for the first time, shooting down two of them.

Map: Blue Sky

Aircraft: Armée de l'Air = 5x Hawk 75A-1
Luftwaffe = 4x Bf109E-3

Setup: Set the French up as 2025, 2125, 2226 at 16.0, speed 5.0, all facing north. Cruchant is flying the lead Hawk. Set the other two Hawks (separately) up 1-5 hexes south of 2226, .6 to .3 higher than the line, and facing within 60 degrees of the column.

Set the Luftwaffe up at 15.0, speed 5.0 in a flexible formation (finger-four) behind a leader in 1515 headed southeast.

Game Length: 20 turns

Special Rule: The French are in a formation they trained for. The two trailing Hawks (those not in line) remain in formation with the leader as long as they maintain flexible formation parameters of the leader.

Additional Rules: French lead is a Veteran. All other pilots are regular. Generate other pilot characteristics as desired.

The Hawk 75A-1 was published in Air Power #49.

Invasion Day! (10-May-40)

Background: On the morning the Battle of France opened, there was a good deal of confusion throughout the French command. Aircraft were ordered to the runway - and held there, for a few hours in some cases. Jean Accart’s I/5 was attacked by Bf 110s while sitting on the runway. They launched directly into combat, Accart shooting down three 110s in the first few seconds.

Map: Ground map

Aircraft: Armée de l'Air = 4x Hawk 75A-3
Luftwaffe = 5x Bf110C-4

Setup: Set up the Luftwaffe at 1.0, heading East, speed 5.0 in hexes 3407, 3305, 3404, 3302, 3401.

Set up the French at 3424 (Accart), speed 2.5 at .2, 3426 speed 2.5 at .2, 3428, speed 2.0 at .1, 3430, speed 2.0 at .1, gear down.

Game Length: 20 turns

Special Rules:

1. The German target is to strafe the landing field. Award 1 point for each hex of the village at the junction of the two runways that is strafed.

Additional Rules: French lead is a Veteran/CS. All other pilots are regular. Generate other characteristics as desired.

The Hawk 75A-3 was published in Air Power #49.

Sources: Allied Aces of WWII.