Background: A key to the Solomons campaign was constant and consistent search of the sea from the air. Most of the USAAF's heavy aircraft were involved in air search, most notably the 11th BG's B-17Es and the 11th Pat Wing's PBYs. These had the longest legs, and could cover the most ground. The Japanese used the Kawanishi H6K4 Mavis (and later the H8K1 Emily) for the same purpose for musch the same reasons.
Throughout August and September, there were several violent meetings of B-17E and H6K4, each alone, and at fairly low level. They opened up on each other with their batteries of defensive guns.
Map: Blue Sky
Aircraft: | USAAF | = | one B-17E Flying Fortress |
IJN | = | One H6K4 Mavis |
Set Up:
Game Length: 20 turns or until one aircraft is destroyed or escapes
Special Rules
Additional Rules:
Notes: Both the B-17E Flying Fortress and the H6K4 Mavis can be found at Uncle Ted's ADC Collection.
Variations: Try H6K4 Mavis vs. PBY-5a Catalina.
Sources: Frank, Guadalcanal.