by Mitchell Schwartz
Background: During the Winter War in early January 1940 over frozen Finland, eight soviet DB-3 bombers bombed the city of Kuopio in central Finland. On their way back, Lt. Jorma Sarvanto intercepted the formation with his Fokker D.XXI and shot down six DB-3 bombers in just four minutes! This was a world record in it's own class.
Map: Blue Sky
Aircraft: | Soviet Air Force | = | 8x DB-3B |
Finnish Air Force | = | 1x Fokker D.XXI |
Set Up: Place the Soviet bombers in two lines in echelon in 1820, 1919, 2019, 2118, 1816, 1915, 2015, 2114. All are headed East, altitude 11.0, Speed 4.0. The bombers are in a fixed formation. Start the D.XXI in hex 1909, heading East, altitude 12.5, speed 5.5. For solo play, have the bombers fly straight and level without deviation.
Game Length: 58 game turns (4 minutes).
Additional Rules:
Aftermath: Lt. Sarvanto shot down 6 fighters in 4 minutes. Lt. Pelle Sovelius shot down one more DB-3 from the formation over the Gulf of Finland.
Note: The Fokker D.XXI and the Ilyushin DB-3B are available from Uncle Ted's ADC Collection.