Background: At 0509 hrs in the morning of 13-May-40, the Dutch Luchtvaarafadeling launched its last offensive raid against the Germans. The last operational T.V medium bomber escorted by 2 G-1a twin boom fighters took off from the air base at Schipol and flew to bomb the Moerdijk bridge in order to delay the march of German panzers towards Rotterdam. The bomber made two bomb runs over the target, but missed the bridge. The aircraft then returned at tree-top level. However, they were spotted by 4/JG26 who shot down the bomber and one G-1. The remaining G-1 landed at Schipol at 0559 hrs.bomber.
Map: A!Sp Ground Map
Aircraft: | LVA | = | 1x Fokker T.V 2x Fokker G.Ia |
Luftwaffe | = | 8x Bf109E-3 |
Setup: The Dutch set up first. Set the T.V in hex 2020 heading West, speed 4.5, altitude 0.1, in a level bank. Set up the G-1s anywhere within 5 hexes, same speed and heading. The bomber has already dropped its bombload.
Set the Luftwaffe up at 2.0 alt, speed 5.5 in a flexible formation (two finger-four schwarmen) at least 6 hexes from the nearest Dutch aircraft. The Luftwaffe can set up in any facing, flying level or in a shallow live, in any upright bank.
Game Length: 15 turns
Special Rule: The Dutch score double VPs for any of their aircraft that escape or are not shot down by the end of Turn 15.
Additional Rules: Pilot Quality:
Generate other pilot characteristics as desired.
ADCs: The Fokker T.V and Fokker G.Ia are available from Uncle Ted's.
Source: JG26 Top Guns of the Luftwaffe by Donald Caldwell