The Empire Strikes Back: 8-Apr-42

Background: On the 8th of April, following the strike on Trincomalee, The RAF sent out their available strike arm - a squadron of torpedo-armed Blenheim IV bombers. They were (luckily) not seen by the Japanese CAP until they were among Nagumo's fleet. Their attack was ineffectual, and they took their losses on the way out, but they certainly gave the Japanese a scare. For the first time since the beginning of the war five months earlier, Nagumo had been attacked!

Can you score in this target rich environment?

Map: Blue Sky

Aircraft: Fleet Air Arm (British) = 9x Blenheim IV
Japanese Navy = 9x A6M2 Zero


Game Length: 20 turns

Special Rule: The British player scores

Additional Rules:

Back to the Ceylon Campaign

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