Aleutian Peashooter Patrol (4-Aug-42)

by Joe Ferrara

Background: In response to raids by US Navy PBY Catalinas, Japanese H6K4 "Mavis" flying boats were sent to the Aleutians to seek and destroy the PBY's tender, the converted destroyer, USS Gillis. After the Japanese flying boats attacked the Gillis twice, an ambush was set. P-38Es of the 54th Fighter Squadron, following a B-17 "mother ship" bounced three Mavis over Nazan Bay. Two of the big flying boats went down in flames.

Map: Blue sky

Aircraft: USAAC = 2x P-38E Lightning
IJN = 3x H6K4 Mavis


Game Length: 20 turns

Special Rules:

  1. On turn one, the Japanese aircraft must move ahead straight and level at cruise speed. The Japanese gunners may not fire on turn one. Normal initiative resumes on turn 2.
  2. Treat the Japanese as heavy bombers.
  3. The playing area is fixed. Japanese aircraft must exit via the west edge or they are considered to have been shoot down.
  4. In order to win, the USAAF player must shoot down at least two Mavis and have one P-38 survive. The Japanese player wins if two or more Mavis survive and/or successfully exit the west edge. Any other result is a draw.

Additional Rules:

Pilot Quality ·

The Japanese aircraft begin loaded.

Variant: Allow the Japanese to maneuver and fire freely on turn one.

Source: Garrison, The Thousand Mile War, pp 110-112.

ADC availability: The P-38E Lightning and the H6K4 Mavis may both be found at "Uncle Ted's".

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