Impulse Reorganization: Short Form
Reorg points: equal to the # of bps spent last game turn (but not those saved). Additionally, a major power may buy RPs at 1 bp = 2 RPs. RPs may not be saved. Cooperating major powers may freely reorganize each other's units using their own RPs. Minor country units must use RPs available to their controlling major power.
Cost to reorganize units
- Naval units need a number of RPs equal to their first round build point cost.
- Air units need a number of RPs equal to the air frame's build point cost.
- Land units (including supply units and HQs) need a number of RPs equal to the unit's total build point cost.
- Note: you no longer double a unit's cost due to impulse choice or due to the fact that it was reorganzied by another MP.
- Fuel costs are separate but necessary when reorganizing as well.
Reorganizing units
- ATR reorg: fly to hex, if you clear, you can reorg 1 unit (2 for large ATR at half range)
- HQ reorg: an HQ can provide the RPs needed to reorg a number of units equal to its reorg value. An HQ which flips over to reorg units may not itself be reorganized that impulse, nor may it be used as a secondary supply source for reorgs that impulse.
- Limited supply source reorg: may provide RPs to reorganize 1 unit per impulse if the limited supply source is in supply.
- Overseas reorg: only 1 unit tracing overseas via a minor port or coastal HQ may be reorged per impulse; any number may trace via a major port. MAR units on a coastal hex do not need to trace via a port or HQ.
- Primary supply source reorg: up to 2 units per impulse can receive RPs from the major power controlling that supply source.
- Railway reorg: an mp may use any unused rail moves to rail RPs to units. Each rail move allows 1 unit to receive RPs. The unit to be reorganized must be able to trace a railway supply path back to the supply source (but this does not reduce the source's ability to reorganize units.).
- Secondary supply source reorg: any in supply secondary supply source may provide the RPs needed to reorganize 1 unit per impulse. This includes HQ units, which do not need to flip face down if reorganizing only 1 unit via secondary supply reorganization.
- Supply unit reorg: a face up supply unit can be expended (destroyed) and allow 3 units that can trace a basic supply path back to the supply unit (and regardless of whether the supply unit or any unit which it reorganizes is in normal supply) to reorganize. Units reorganized by an expended supply unit do not count against RP limits that impulse - the supply unit itself is doing the reorganization.
- TRS reorg: a face up TRS at sea may dispense the RPs needed to reorganize 1 unit in a coastal hex bordering the same sea zone as the TRS.
- Offensive chits and reorganization: Air action: the HQ which was used to play the chit may reorganize air units at half the usual RP cost that impulse. Naval action: no change here. Land action: the HQ which was used to play the chit may reorganize land units at half the usual RP cost that impulse. Combined action: any HQ which uses HQ reorganization may reorganize any units at half the usual RP cost that impulse. Reorganize HQs: If a chit is played to reorganize HQs, they are flipped face up at no RP cost.