Alice Kilty Casey's Memorial Home Page

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The Profile of Alice her daughter MaryDan submitted to the Family History Project.
Just the text part of the same document.

Alice's Profile, the cutting room floor version.

Photos MaryDan selected for the Alice profiles:

Alice Kilty, RN (5 kbytes) 1939
Alice, Eva and MaryDan (22k bytes) at Lake Ripley
George and Alice (38k bytes) June 13, 1945
Alice Kilty (9k bytes)
Alice and George (8k bytes)

Extra photos:

Alice (16 kbytes) Chicago, 1929. The year she graduated from High School
Kay,Alice,Lyd,Mary (37 kbytes) 4th of July, 1944, Lyd's back yard. Anne and Marion Guinan; Anne Therese and Rita Casey
Alice and MaryDan (15 kbytes) about 1950
Alice and her two daughters (29 kbytes) on 75th Place, 09/1951. MaryDan looks like Aunt Lyd here, in Eva's opinion.
George and Alice (27 kbytes) April 17, 1971
Eva Casey Voris and Alice Kilty Casey (11 kbytes) on Eva Voris's 85th birthday, July 6, 1973
Alice and her daughter MaryDan, 01/1978 (16 kbytes)
Alice reading to her grandson Ezra (20 kbytes) 02/1981
Alice, her daughter Eva, and her son-in-law Herman (29 kbytes) 1984
Alice and her daughter MaryDan (40 kbytes) Rochester, 12/21/1986
Alice's father, Patrick Kilty (March 16, 1859-Oct. 30, 1911)

Alice's maternal relatives (.pdf file)
Alice's Half siblings from her father's first marriage. (.txt file)
Alice_Kilty's_paternal_grandparents_and_aunts_and_uncles (.jpg file)
A story about Patrick Kilty (.jpg file)
George R. Casey's Memorial Page

Eva's Home Page

This page has been accessed access odometer display times since May 28, 2000
 Last Revised March 21, 2023